Fall, in the Rocky Mountains, is an incredibly beautiful season. The mountains explode with the golden hue of Aspen trees, the glow from their quaking leaves almost blinding on a sunny day. That, plus the crispness of mountain air, beckons to those who live in the city, pulling them from their homes to spend some time driving in the hills and mountains to grab that ‘last’ bit of nice weather before the snows of the coming winter sets in.
It was on such a pristine day that Trish found herself driving the roads of the Rockies, her senses bombarded by the beauty of the surrounding countryside. Jazz and Blues from her car’s radio, a doobie between her fingers, and the company of a new friend…life was good, thought Trish.
“Sure you don’t want another hit?” Trish asked of her new ‘friend’ and neighbor, Ellie.
“Are you shitting me? Are you trying to get me completely zonked?” Ellie replied, her voice already betraying the effect of the herb and the thin mountain air.
Well, yeah, I am, thought Trish, with a small, sly smile on her lips. Get you zonked, then naked in my bed, the thought of which causing Trish’s small smile to spread broadly across her face.
Ellie…I should digress a bit and bring the reader up to speed as to how she came to be sitting in the passenger seat of Trish’s car, and, of how she became the object of Trish’s sexual desire…
Within a week of returning from her road trip with Jil, Trish was back at the grind of running her bar, managing her employees, paying her bills; in short, to use Trish’s words, ‘back into the real world’. The second week after her return, Trish turned onto her street only to see a moving van blocking her driveway. Workers were busily unloading furniture and household goods into the house next door to Trish.
Must have sold, thought Trish as she found a spot on the street to park her ride. Glancing over to the activity, she walked to, then up her driveway when a voice got her attention.
“I’m sorry that the movers have blocked your driveway but they’re almost finished and should be out of here within the hour.”
Turning, shading her eyes from the sun that lay low on the horizon, Trish’s eyes beheld a woman of approximately her own age, she judged, but with the build of the proverbial brick shit-house.
“Hi, I’m Ellie, your new neighbor. Though, on second thought, blocking your driveway is not a very neighborly thing to do,” laughing nervously as she said it.
“Hi, Ellie, I’m Trish. Don’t worry about the driveway thing; it’s no big deal,” Trish replied, taking Ellie’s offered hand in greeting.
“Well, the sooner the movers are gone, the better so that I can start getting unpacked,” Ellie said.
“I don’t envy you that chore. I’d rather have a root canal without the drugs than move…I fucking hate moving,” replied Trish.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Ellie said, brushing her dangling blonde tresses from her face. “Still, it has to be done and since I’m a committee of one, the sooner I get to it, the sooner it’s done.”
“No husband or boyfriend to help you?” queried Trish.
“Nope. Had a husband but I dumped his philandering ass a few months ago. It’s just me, and that’s not a bad thing,” Ellie said with a small chuckle.
“Men! Can’t live with ’em and it’s illegal to kill them,” Trish joked in return, causing Ellie to laugh at the remark.
“Fuck ’em; I’m taking a long break from men, that, you can take to the bank,” Ellie declared.
“I hear that; well, don’t let me keep you from your chores but when you’re ready for a break, some food, or a drink, come on over and I’ll rustle something up for us to celebrate your move into the neighborhood,” Trish smilingly offered.
“That’s kind but you don’t have to do that,” Ellie replied.
“Rather do that than help unpack your shit and put it away,” Trish laughingly said, causing Ellie to laugh with her, in return.
“Well, thank you, I just might take you up on your kind offer,” and with that and a wave, Ellie returned to her tasks which lay ahead.
Hmmm, thought Trish as she unlocked, then entered her house, now that’s a neighbor I wouldn’t mind knowing a little better. Trish stopped in her tracks as she processed the thought and started laughing to herself. Damn, she thought as she checked the fridge for ideas for dinner, I really have become quite the pussy hound.
Answering the knock at her door a few hours later, Trish opened it to find Ellie standing there with a bottle of wine and 2 glasses.
“That offer for a break still good?” Ellie asked with a smile on her lips.
“Abso-fucking-lutely”, Trish answered as she stepped aside to let Ellie enter, “A good looking gal with wine to share always has a spot at my table.”
Trish whipped together a small carb-filled pasta dish and salad while sipping wine and chatting with Ellie, who sat at the counter, her offer to help declined by Trish. They exchanged short bios and laughed a lot. Both had a similar sense of sardonic humor, both confident coffeedonutfest.com in who they were. Ellie, divorced six months, but separated over two years, jumped at the chance to leave Virginia for a promotion and move to Colorado.
“Starting over and all that crap,” she explained, “too much baggage and too many memories back in Virginia.’
The meal was good, the laughter was better, and Ellie said her goodbyes a couple of hours after arriving.
“Next time, I fix dinner for you,” she declared.
“Tell me when and I’ll be there,” Trish replied as she waved goodbye to her new neighbor.
Over the next few weeks, Ellie and Trish found more in common with each visit to the other’s home. They fell into a fast friendship, a friendship unlike any that Trish had had before. They went shopping a few times, a few movies, and fell into the habit of taking turns cooking a couple nights a week so that neither would have to eat alone all the time.
Over the same few weeks, Trish found her masturbation fueled more and more with visions of her well-built neighbor, naked, laying in her bed, and with Trish dining at Ellie’s ‘Y’. And so, it was with this brief history, that Trish and Ellie were returning from their day-trip to the mountains, and that Trish was seriously planning to put the moves on Ellie that night.
“What a great day, thank you so much,” Ellie said as they exited Trish’s car.
“Not over with yet, sugar-britches,” Trish said as she put her arm around Ellie, guiding her into her house.
“Oh no?” Ellie said with a chuckle,”what other surprises do you have for me?”
“We’re going to order some pizza, smoke some more dope, drink some more wine, and unwind in the hot tub,” Trish answered as they went out the back door so that Trish could turn on the tub.
“Works for me,” Ellie declared, much to Trish’s delight, “but you have to let me run back to my house to check messages and to take a quick shower.”
“You have a half-hour,” Trish sternly admonished, “which should give me time enough to shower as well.”
Ellie was back, wine in hand, in twenty minutes.
“Pizza’s on the way,” Trish commented as she fetched two wine glasses while Ellie was opening the bottle of Cabernet.
Ellie, much as Trish, had opted for some shorts, a tee and, judging by the points poking the material of the tee she was wearing, no bra, thought Trish. The quick mind-pic of Ellie’s nipples caused a wave of warmth to envelop Trish’s crotch which, in turn, caused Trish to smile to herself.
Pizza delivered and eaten, the girls were sitting in Trish’s living room, finishing the last of the Cabernet and second doobie, making chit-chat as they did so.
“So, who was that young girl that was over here last weekend?” Ellie asked of Trish, Ellie’s eyes betraying her stoned state.
“Jil. She’s a friend who’s studying at Boulder,” Trish replied.
“Cute,” Ellie said further.
“Yep,” Trish responded.
“I’m not prying but I am curious; No husband or boyfriends cluttering your life?” Ellie asked, her eyes seemingly looking for a ‘hint’ of ‘something’.
“Nope. Been there, done that, and I decided that I didn’t really want to stay on that treadmill,” Trish replied, “so I’m exploring other options.”
“Hence, your young friend, Jil?” Ellie said after a pause as she contemplated what Trish had said just previously.
“Yep,” Trish replied.
“Always good to have options,” Ellie replied, her eyes ‘hard’ on Trish as she said it, her eyelids half-closed.
“Ready for some tubbing?” Trish asked after a few moments.
“Damn. I forgot about tubbing; I’ll need to run home and grab a suit,” Ellie said.
“Not on my account you don’t; we both have the same body parts,” Trish replied.
“Yeah, you’re right, we do…fuck it, if you’re good with it, I’m good with it,” Ellie said after a few moments.
“I’m very good with it, sweetie,” was all that Trish said, standing, then offering a hand to Ellie to help her from her seat on the couch.
Ellie took Trish’s offered hand in her own, allowing Trish to do most of the work in lifting her from the couch. Trish had pulled a bit too hard which resulted with their bodies softly bumping against the other’s, just enough to throw them off balance, forcing them to hold on to the other and stop themselves from falling.
Their faces were scant inches from each other’s, their lips almost touching. For just a few seconds longer than needed, they held on to each other, the silence deafening, the warmth from each’s breath caressing the skin of the other.
“Sorry, sweetie,” Trish said, breaking the silence, “I guess I pulled a wee bit too hard,” letting her hands drop from her grasp of Ellie’s waist.
“No harm, no foul,” Ellie smilingly replied, her eyes not leaving Trish’s.
Taking Ellie’s hand in hers, Trish led them out to the back deck, flipping a switch when they reached the outside which illuminated some rope lighting around the deck. Dropping Ellie’s hand from hers, Trish lowered the bamboo privacy shade, allowing the soft glow from the rope lighting to add a nice touch to the scene.
Trish then took a couple of towels out from a cabinet near the tub, laying them on a small lounger on the deck.
Silently, they began to disrobe, Trish’s eyes never leaving Ellie as garments dropped to the deck. Ellie, for her part, tried not to look, or to be caught looking to be truthful, but soon she returned Trish’s gaze as they finally were both naked.
“Damn, but does this ever feel wonderful,” Ellie commented as she sank her body into the bubbling, warm water.
“Yeah, it does, it truly does,” Trish replied.
Taking reclining sculpted seats opposite of each other, they sipped the wine that Trish had poured for them before she got into the tub, making chit-chat of little consequence. The warm water, the wine, the weed, all contributed to an atmosphere that didn’t really encourage talk, mostly what it did was to encourage a feeling of being comfortable with each other’s presence.
“How long have you known Jil?” Ellie suddenly asked Trish, Ellie’s voice soft, languid and, thought Trish, sexy.
“Not long. We met this past summer,” Trish replied, wondering where Ellie was coming from.
“She’s really pretty, at least from what I saw of her last weekend,” Ellie said, her eyes now closed, her breathing slow.
“She certainly is,” Trish said, “Maybe, if you’d like, you could join us for dinner whenever she comes back for a weekend visit.”
“That’d be nice but I wouldn’t want to intrude,” Ellie answered.
“Not a problem, sweetie, I assure you,” Trish replied absent-mindedly, her mind trying to decide how to make a move on Ellie. Since watching Ellie disrobe and then, seeing her naked, Trish’s snatch was throbbing with desire. Suddenly, Trish had a thought.
“Want to do another doobie with me?” Trish asked Ellie.
“Only if you’ve got a place for me to sleep; more weed on top of the wine and I promise you, I’ll not be able to walk next door, to my place,” Ellie replied.
“Not to worry, sugar-britches, I’ve got room for you to stay over,” Trish said, reaching for her stash box after drying her hands. Fishing out the pre-rolled doobie she had already placed in the box, she fired it up while moving over to where Ellie lay in the tub. Holding the doobie so that Ellie could take a hit, Trish’s body shivered slightly when Ellie’s lips brushed against her fingertips as she took her hit.
They took their time in smoking the joint but as it got shorter, nearing ‘roach stage’, Trish asked Ellie if she had ever had a ‘shotgun’.
“You mean where someone blows smoke into your mouth?” Ellie asked.
“Yeah, that; ever had one?
“No,” was Ellie’s answer.
“Want me to shotgun you?” Trish asked, locking Ellie’s eyes with her own.
Pausing, as if making up her mind about a lot of things, Ellie finally answered with a slow nodding of her head, her eyes searching Trish’s face as she did so.
Taking a huge hit, Trish moved her mouth closer to Ellie’s which was opening slightly in anticipation. Placing her mouth over Ellie’s, Trish released the smoke into Ellie’s mouth which opened even further, reacting to Trish’s mouth on hers. Smoke seeped from the corners of each’s lips, their breathing the only sound one could hear.
Of course it evolved into a kiss…how could it not?
The smoke, now shared, drifted from their mouths, Trish’s lips slowly moving around Ellie’s, her tongue slowly licking at Ellie’s soft lips. Ellie didn’t jump back, express shock, or any of that bullshit. It felt too good for that reaction. No, what Ellie did was to surrender to the feelings that were enveloping her being from Trish’s excellent kissing of her mouth, opening her mouth further, letting Trish’s tongue slowly slip into her welcoming mouth.
They held that kiss for an awfully long time, neither wanting the moment to end. And when Ellie felt a hand cup her breast, softly pinching her nipple as the palm caressed her breast, Ellie sighed a mighty sigh and put her arms around Trish, pulling Trish closer to her body. After what seemed like an hour, they ended their kiss, Trish’s hand staying on Ellie’s breast, softly kneading her tit as they simply stared into each other’s eyes.
“I’ve never…” Ellie started to say.
“I know,” Trish interrupted.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone,” Ellie managed to say, her breathing clearly showing her enjoyment of what Trish’s hand was doing with her breast, or breasts, now that Trish’s other hand joined in the play.
“Then I’ll do my best to make sure that you don’t leave disappointed,” Trish said, softly, just before dropping her mouth onto one of Ellie’s, now hardened, nipples.
“Ohhhh,” was all that Ellie could say in reply as Trish’s mouth started sucking on her nipple. Taking her time, not rushing, Trish suckled Ellie’s breasts and nipples, loving the feeling of Ellie’s larger breasts in her mouth, on her tongue.
Ellie’s response, aside from enjoyment of what Trish was doing to her, was to place one of her hands on the back of Trish’s head, holding it to her breasts. She moved her other hand to Trish’s back, slowly rubbing it under the warm water, letting her fingers tentatively explore more and more of Trish’s firm, muscled back.
“Ahhhhh, Jesus,” Ellie said when Trish started to lightly bite Ellie’s nipples with her teeth. As if it had a mind of its own, Ellie felt her hand move from Trish’s back, along her ribcage, and towards her front until her hand found Trish’s breasts, under the water. As Trish alternately sucked and bit Ellie’s nipples, Ellie cupped and fondled Trish’s breasts, one, then the other.
With a kiss to each of Ellie’s nipples, Trish suddenly stopped what she was doing, stood in the tub and offered a hand out to Ellie, which Ellie took, a look of unsuredness on her face as to what was happening.
Leading them both out of the tub, Trish took a towel and slowly began drying Ellie’s body, taking her time, feeling Ellie’s body under the terry material. Kneeling behind Ellie, Trish rubbed the back of Ellie’s legs first, then her firm ass, placing a soft kiss on Ellie’s ass-crack, at the tip of the spine, before moving to kneel in front of Ellie.
Slowly, Trish dried Ellie’s legs, slowly rubbing the towel up the insides of her legs, stopping just short of Ellie’s snatch. When the legs were done, Trish softly patted Ellie’s pubes until they were almost dry and just before she stood up, Trish placed a soft kiss dead center on Ellie’s clit, which caused a soft gasp to escape Ellie’s lips.
Without being asked to do so, Ellie picked up the other towel and did to Trish what Trish had just done to her, including a soft kiss to Trish’s belly-button. Silently, Trish took Ellie by the hand and led her back into the house and up the stairs to Trish’s bedroom. Trish left the light off, letting the light from downstairs cast a soft glow into her bedroom.
Moving onto her king-sized bed, Trish laid Ellie down on her back, in the middle of the bed. Laying on her side, supported by her elbow, Trish brought her mouth to the side of Ellie’s face, placing soft, butterfly kisses to her cheek, ears and neck, letting her tongue lick its way up Ellie’s neck and then, into her mouth.
This time, though, there was no tentativeness on Ellie’s part. No, this time, Ellie kissed Trish back, letting her own tongue explore Trish’s mouth, her hands holding Trish’s head between them.
Trish took her time exploring Ellie’s body, spending a very long time just kissing with some touching and fondling of Ellie’s tits. As her own passion built into an almost uncontrollable entity, Trish kissed her way down Ellie’s body, slipping her body over, then between, Ellie’s legs which were spreading, reflexively it seemed. Keeping both of her hands on Ellie’s breasts over her head, Trish slid down until her mouth felt Ellie’s soft pubes. As if guided by radar, Trish’s tongue began circling Ellie’s, now erect, clitoris.
“Ohhhhhh, damn, damn, damn,” Ellie heard herself say when that first orgasm caught her by surprise, her body throbbing with orgasmic bliss. And when Trish’s tongue snaked into Ellie’s slit, Ellie’s very wet, warm slit, she came again…then again…then, again, her voice almost sobbing with thankfulness and joy.
They lost count, both of them, of Ellie’s climaxes. And when she decided to take a break, to give her sore mouth and jaw a rest, Trish was pulled up by Ellie and laid on her back, with Ellie now leaning over her.
Without missing a beat, Ellie leaned over and began kissing Trish, Ellie’s hands fondling Trish’s tits and body as she explored Trish’s open mouth with her tongue. Much as Trish had done to her, Ellie snaked her tongue down Trish’s neck and chest until her mouth was over Trish’s breasts. Not hesitating a bit, she lowered her mouth and began sucking and licking Trish’s tits.
The more she sucked and kissed Trish’s breasts, the more turned on Ellie found herself, letting her hand rub Trish’s body until she found her hand between Trish’s slightly opened legs. Sucking even harder now, on Trish’s tits, Ellie cupped Trish’s snatch, letting her finger slip into Trish’s love-canal, marveling at how slippery and warm Trish’s pussy felt to her finger. Biting down on Trish’s nipples, Ellie began slowly moving her finger in and out of Trish’s cunt, finger-fucking Trish until Trish cried out as she, too, reached orgasm.
When she realized that she had caused Trish to climax, Ellie found a small bit of joy in that, but she wasn’t sure why. And before Ellie had time to think about it, she found herself crawling between Trish’s now wide-opened legs, her head and mouth dropping to taste Trish’s very wet pussy.
I’ve died and gone to heaven was the first conscious thought that Ellie could focus on as she reveled in the tastes and smells of another woman’s cunt. Loving the wetness that surrounded her mouth as she increased her eating of Trish’s pussy, Ellie almost came from the pure joy of what she was doing.