All the way to 18 and Sally had never even kissed a boy, yet here she was standing in the lounge room of the new kid at school this year. Classes had finished at half-eleven because of a teachers union meeting. There was a twenty minute home-room session and then… Read more“Tuesday”
Ay: Ekim 2023
The Window Ch. 01
Copyright: This story is a work of fiction. Please don’t reproduce this text in whole or in parts without the explicit permission of the author. ———————————– And then she was gone; I heard her climb down. I sat there, in a limbo, for a long time. My cock shriveled and… Read more“The Window Ch. 01”
Toe Bows
Copyright 2000 Del Edwards Stan finished setting up the coffee maker and clicked it on. She had called about an hour ago and asked if it was okay for her to stop by. She was due any minute now. “Whew,” he said out loud to no one in particular since… Read more“Toe Bows”
The Therapist Ch. 02
Anthony’s life was turned upside down after his visit to the therapist. Dr. McKensie, Charlotte, had opened up a new world in terms of sex. Now it was all he could think about. In class his mind would wander to the therapy session. How she guided him through the ins… Read more“The Therapist Ch. 02”
Another Aftermath
“Can we do it?” She asked in an unsure voice. “It’s not that simple,” the answer came, “I need to fully understand what happened between you two over the past 3 years to ensure there are grounds for a lawsuit.” “Look at me,” the red-haired woman demanded, “look at what… Read more“Another Aftermath”
The Sheriff’s Bounty
Dusk began to rise over the town of Two Stone, a gray and purple mess of sunbeams over the desert and the little structures erected upon it. Adelaide Preston sat on a railing at the old church on the corner of the street. The bell tower rang one sharp, crisp… Read more“The Sheriff’s Bounty”
The Preacher’s Son Ch.01
*Hello! Oghma here! So sorry about the long absence, the Holiday season is always a real busy time. But now that it’s all over I can get back to writing regularly. Anyways, this story marks the beginning of the second narrative in the Breeder universe; a different perspective for this… Read more“The Preacher’s Son Ch.01”
The Neighborhood Girls Ch. 02
Jennifer and Carmen had to leave but they promised to come back later that night. Both girls were excited by the afternoon fun and wanted more. They were looking forward to seeing more of Mike. Jennifer had planned to spend the night at Carmen’s so after they changed their clothes,… Read more“The Neighborhood Girls Ch. 02”
The Lake House Lessons 01
Friday and Saturday It is a cliché of the high school movie that the social structure is rigid, and it is almost impossible to change your status. That once you are classified as a nerd, a jock, a stoner, or a popular kid, you are locked into that status for… Read more“The Lake House Lessons 01”
The Enlightenment of Bay Ch. 02
Once again, Bayrod stood in front of his mistress’ room; full of emotions and guilt. He took a deep breath, centering himself in the Force and exhaled as he pushed the com button. He was admitted and stepped through the door into a beautiful night beach side. It was stunning… Read more“The Enlightenment of Bay Ch. 02”