Cathy and Jen were bored. They’d been at the mall but really only to window shop, being too broke to spend money. You can’t spend what you don’t have. Wandering away from the mall they happened to pass near Graeme’s place, Graeme being Cathy’s current boyfriend. As chance would have it Graeme came wandering along at the same time, hailing them and inviting them home with him.
Jen was a little dubious, not wanting to be seen as the spare wheel in their company but Cathy prevailed and they all headed off to Graeme’s. On the coffee table in the front room was a Trivia set.
“What’s with the Trivia game,” asked Cathy.
“My father bought it,” Graeme told her. “He thought playing it might help build up some general knowledge for trivia games at the pub. Want to try a game and see how much you know?”
When you’re bored something to do is better than nothing. Graeme set up the game and they started playing. Some of the answers were a case of the screaming obvious but others were harder. Getting one wrong Cathy found out that there were penalties for wrong answers. Silly little penalties, more suited for children.
After the second childish penalty Cathy suggested an alternative.
“Whoever asks the question can pick a penalty the loser has to pay,” was her suggestion, a suggestion to which Graeme and Jen were not averse. The game continued.
Some of the penalties they came up with were funny, some embarrassing. Jen started to notice a pattern when Cathy or Graeme had to penalise the other. Their penalties for each other were getting a little sexual, a little risqué. Jen was starting to feel just a little uncomfortable.
Things finally went what Jen could only call kinky when Cathy flubbed a question from Graeme. Jen gave her a disbelieving look. There was no way that innocent looking bitch could have got that wrong. She had deliberately missed the question to get the penalty. From the smirk on Graeme’s face he knew it, too.
“An answer that displays that amount of crass ignorance really leaves me little choice. I’m going to have to pick a very severe penalty,” he told Cathy. He seemed to consider various penalties and finally nodded as though he’d selected the best from a number of alternatives.
“Seeing you fucked up that answer so comprehensively I think I should do the same to you,” he announced.
Jen was shocked. He couldn’t mean what that sounded like. From the smirk on Cathy’s face he just might.
“Sorry, Graeme, my love,” she said in a sweetly cooing voice. “It would be reprehensible of me to wander off to your bedroom and leave poor Jen here all alone.”
Right on, was what Jenny thought, only to be further shocked by Graeme’s suggestion.
“Who said anything about going to my bedroom?” he asked. “The mistake took place here. The penalty should take place here. Don’t worry about Jen. She can watch and might learn something.”
If Jen hadn’t caught herself she was sure her jaw would have clunked against the carpet. No way would Cathy agree to such a thing.
“Really, Graeme, I couldn’t possibly agree to such a thing and you know it. You’re just saying these things to tease Jen and you know it.”
Unlike Jen, who wore a summer dress, Cathy was wearing a t-shirt and Yoga pants. Right then they were all sprawled on the floor around the coffee table. Graeme twisted around to be closer to Cathy. While Jen watched in disbelief he pushed Cathy back until she was lying flat on her back. With a swift movement he had hold of her yoga pants and was peeling then down, together, Jen saw, with her panties. Just like that Cathy was naked from the waist down, giggling and trying to cover herself with her hands while throwing laughing glances at Jen.
“Stop it, Graeme,” she giggled. vip escort “Give me those things back. Oh, don’t you dare.”
Graeme was daring. His own trousers were sliding down and Jen was permitted to see that he had an erection. It was also plain that Cathy was about to make a closer acquaintance of it. Cathy giggled and tried to hold her legs together, legs which Graeme seemed to have no real trouble spreading wide. Then he was leaning over her, his cock pressing against her.
A shocked Jen had a perfect view of Graeme’s cock driving firmly into Cathy. Red of face she tried not to look, acutely aware of several things. Her virginity, for a start. Also the fact that Cathy was about to be fucked, right in front of her. She was feeling most uncomfortable, not just embarrassed but hot and flustered. Cathy wasn’t even trying to stop him.
Graeme seemed to no sooner driven fully into Cathy than he was pulling out. Right out, his cock now damp and glistening.
“Roll over,” he said. “Hands and knees. Now.”
Cathy rolled over, scrambling onto hands and knees, head down, bottom up, totally exposed to Graeme’s waiting cock, a cock that didn’t delay in plunging home again. All of it witnessed by Jen, who wanted to run, to faint, to have never come here in the first place.
Expecting Graeme to start fucking Cathy with some ardour now he had the position he wanted Jen found it wasn’t to be so. He pulled out a second time and settled down onto the floor next to Cathy, lying on his back.
“I believe I promised that next time you could be on top,” Graeme announced. “Don’t say I don’t keep my promises.”
Giggling again, and giving Jen a truly wicked look, Cathy scrambled up onto her knees. Moving over Graeme she straddled him and while a shocked Jen watched she positioned herself and sank slowly down onto Graeme’s cock. Then she started to rock back and forth.
It was too much for Jen. She scrambled to her feet and beat a retreat. It was her intention to flee the house but in her confusion she turned the wrong way and found herself in the kitchen.
“Jen, isn’t it?” said the man standing there. “Is there a problem?”
It was Neil, Graeme’s father. Jen hadn’t even known he was home. She wondered if Graeme knew. She was certain that Cathy didn’t.
“Oh, no, no problem,” said Jen quickly. “Ah, I was just feeling hot. I thought I’d get a drink.”
“Help yourself,” Neil said. “Glasses are in there. There’s some coke in the fridge if you want that.”
“Water’s fine,” said Jen quickly. A quick glass and she was so out of here.
She noticed Neil leaving the kitchen while she got her drink. He wasn’t gone for long, back almost before she’d finished her drink.
“I see why you were looking a little flustered,” he said, sounding a little sympathetic and a lot amused. “Rather rude of them to be so exhibitionist.”
Jen bit her lip and looked elsewhere.
“He’s been with Cathy for quite a while now. You’re not jealous are you?”
“What? Hardly. He’s not my type. Too immature if you ask me.”
“In some ways he is,” admitted Neil. “In others he’s not.”
Obviously, thought Jen. That’s not a child’s game he’s playing right now.
“So,” said Neil thoughtfully, “you’re not jealous but you still seem to be a little too flustered just because Graeme and Cathy are having a little sexual peccadillo. I wonder why?”
“Just?” thought Jen. “They can have all the peccadillos they want, but not in front of me.”
While Jen was indignantly feeling that she’d been sinned against she suddenly found herself being sinned against with a great more personal intent. Preoccupied, she hadn’t noticed Neil moving closer, giving her quite a shock when he lifted the front of her dress and gecelik escort his hand closed over her mound and squeezed gently.
Her eyes opened wide and she stared straight ahead, frozen for one timeless moment. Then she gasped and slapped his hand away.
“You — you — how could you?” she stuttered, shocked at his audacity.
“Quite easily. I was just checking something. From the heat and the dampness of your panties I can’t help feeling that you’re a little aroused and a little envious. You don’t have a current boyfriend, do you?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jen snapped, feeling more flustered than ever.
“Possibly not but I’ll be happy to teach you. Just hold this for a moment.”
Shock upon shock, ‘this’ turned out to be the hem of her dress. Her hands closed upon it automatically, not thinking about it. That was until her panties started going down whereupon she hastily released her hold on the dress in an attempt to preserve her modesty. Her modesty it may have preserved but not her panties. Neil just continued sliding them down, leaving them pooled around her ankles.
Jen didn’t say anything. Not because she didn’t want to but simply because she couldn’t find the right words to express her feelings.
“Now don’t be silly,” Neil said, looking amused. “Hold this properly.”
He went to lift the front of her dress again and Jen pressed her hands against it, shaking her head frantically.
“Why not?”
“My panties,” she gasped. “If you lift my dress you’ll see everything.”
“Well, yes. That’s why I want you to lift it. Much easier for me to touch you there if you hold your dress up out of the way.”
“But I don’t want you to see me. Or touch me.”
“How do you know if you don’t let me and find out what it’s like?”
Reaching down again Neil tweaked the dress out of her hands, lifting it, not looking at her down there but keeping his eyes on her face. Her very red face.
“Hold it,” came the firm command and Jen’s hands clenched helplessly around her dress, holding it up.
Neil took a step back and let his eyes run over her, finally lifting back to her face again.
“How does it feel to know you’re half naked in front of a man and he likes looking at you?”
“I’m not half naked,” she protested weakly.
His reply was a simple demonstration. He placed his hand on her bare tummy and ran it down until he was rubbing against her mound, her eyes opening wider as he did so. She stood there, holding her dress up, while Neil stroked her and teased her. Her torment didn’t stop there.
He took a step back once again and calmly unfastened his trousers. Jen was horrified to see his erection rearing its head high and pointing at her. She dithered as he started moving closer to her.
He wouldn’t really want to fuck her, would he? Well, yes, his erection certainly said he wanted to, but he wouldn’t just go ahead and do it, surely? Men didn’t do things like that. Did they? Besides, he couldn’t make her. All she had to do was drop her dress and step away from him. She couldn’t really see him chasing her around the kitchen waving his erection at her. Let go the dress. Step away. Easy. So why was she still standing there like a gawk, holding her dress up and watching him come closer?
Oh god, his cock was touching her. It was sliding between her legs, the length of it pressing against her lips, rubbing back and forth. She had to do something and she had to do it now.
What she did, not quite understanding herself, was wait while Neil started pressing his cock against her lips, past her lips, into her.
She could feel him inside her. The thought was hammering in her brain. He’s putting his cock in me. What do I do? What eskort do I do?
“Ah, you, um, I,” she stammered and then shut up. She had no idea what she wanted to say. Yes, she did. She wanted to scream and run away but a strange lethargy was holding her in place, a fascination with what was happening. He was moving deeper and suddenly Jen knew it was now or never. She spoke up now or it would be far too late.
She opened her mouth at the same time as Neil gave a slightly firmer push. Instead of speaking she gave a little cry as she felt her virginity yielding and the conqueror advancing. Still moving steadily he was driving deep into her. She’d never been so thoroughly aware of anything as she was of this cock moving inside her, stretching her, filling her.
Jen was only vaguely aware of what else Neil was doing. He brushed the shoulder straps of both her dress and bra off her shoulders, lowering them down her arms. The top of her dress and her bra went with the straps, baring her breasts, a fact which he took quick advantage of.
For Jen, Neil holding her breasts, rubbing them, playing with her nipples, teasing them erect, were secondary to what else was going on. Yes, if asked she’d have admitted to enjoying the feel of hands caressing her breasts. But how could you concentrate on such things when his cock had commenced its slow dance within her?
Neil was sliding his cock back and forth, doing the most amazing thing to her. He’d started fairly slowly and she’d found herself unconsciously moving with him, just swaying in place, excitement slowly building. He’d steadily increased the pace and now he was thrusting into her quite forcefully, squeezing her breasts each time he thrust, her whole body reacting to what he was doing.
Her arousal was complete and her excitement still building. It wasn’t one sided, she knew, as she was pushing herself against him as he thrust, helping to drive him deep inside her, finding she wanted even more. She gave no thought to the fact that Cathy and Graeme were still in the house and might come out and find them. They were incidentals, irrelevant to the pleasure she was now feeling. Even if they did appear she’d just ignore them, concentrating on Neil and how he was making her feel.
Eager little whimpering sounds were escaping her as they continued on. It seemed to Jen that Neil was moving faster, his cock driving in harder, pushing her somewhere that she was yearning to go. He was doing his best but it seemed to her it wasn’t enough. She wanted more.
It was a total shock to her system when she climaxed. She felt Neil’s mouth close over hers even as she started to scream, muffling the sound of her cry, while she shuddered and shook internally, vaguely aware that he was ejaculating into her, pleasing her even more.
Neil bent down and untangled her panties from where they’d finished up wrapped around one ankle. Standing he’d straightened her shoulder straps, lifting her bra and dress back into place. Jen was quite sure she should have been embarrassed while he did this but it was performed in such a matter-of-fact way that she just accepted it. The same way she found herself accepting his services when he produced a damp cloth and wiped her down quite intimately.
“You might like to exit via the back door,” Neil said thoughtfully. “I’d hate you to be embarrassed again by finding Graeme and Cathy still playing in the front room.”
Recalling what Cathy and Graeme had been playing at Jen was quite in agreement with this. She was certainly going to have a word with Cathy the next time she saw her. She slipped away, relieved to not see either of her two friends. She was almost home when something occurred to her.
Neil had stuffed her panties into his pocket when he helped untangle them. Then, what with the rearranging of her clothes and the general clean-up, she just hadn’t noticed that he’d kept them. She was walking down the street commando and her dress wasn’t that long. Blushing, she hurried homeward.