All the nurses had left. Only the partners had stayed. It was the orgasmic Cecilia and Lena who had been my first woman in the program and so graciously had led us into the intimate situation. Birgit sank back in a chair exhausted. So did also Lena and Cecilia. They… Read more“Tom’s Treats Ch. 04”
Ay: Mayıs 2024
To My Mentor Ch. 02 Pt. 01
~~All characters in this story are over the age of 18 and are willing participants the activities which make us this story. I broke this story down into multiple pieces not because it made sense that way, it was to keep the segments short enough to post without have a… Read more“To My Mentor Ch. 02 Pt. 01”
Spark , Stone – Ch. 26
Chapter Twenty-Six – Meet The Stones (And Some Pebbles) Aidan was a complete wreck on the inside as he parked his car in front of Heathcliff’s house. He had barely caught any sleep and, in the morning, he had made a run for it, without even eating breakfast, which had… Read more“Spark , Stone – Ch. 26”
Thanks to Lilalocket for her constructive criticism. ***** It all started at a mining conference. I was six years out of my Ph.D. in geology, and after six years of dead-end postdoctoral fellowships and contract lab tech jobs and being turned down for every faculty position at every university in… Read more“Cummingtonite”
Crystal’s Adventure in the Park Ch. 01
I could feel every bump and hole, as we drove across the uneven field slowly. Since we were out of money, and tired of my father’s ever protective glare, Chris and I decided to have a picnic at the park. Old Settler’s park was different in those days. Without the… Read more“Crystal’s Adventure in the Park Ch. 01”
King of the Boardwalk
I was the master of the board walk romance. We walked the path of concrete lined by tall skinny palm trees along the ocean’s shore. She looked out past the sandy beach. Her eyes seduced by the silvery cast of the moon over the Pacific. I held her hand, her… Read more“King of the Boardwalk”
Daddy’s Day of ‘Fourplay’ Ch. 01
I was face-down on the king size bed, my legs and arms splayed obscenely in a manner devoid of all modesty. Muscles screaming and bruises blooming like medals etched on skin, my rag-doll body remained motionless in the precise position it had finally been left after the most incredible and… Read more“Daddy’s Day of ‘Fourplay’ Ch. 01”
Geez, Mother, Put Some Clothes On!
Chapter 1. Fucking Bart The first time I fucked one of my sons it was purely by accident. While I admit I was in one of my “horny” periods, still, I never in a million years would have dreamed of fucking my son, yet that’s exactly what happened. I was… Read more“Geez, Mother, Put Some Clothes On!”
Ken Ch. 06
Friday passed quickly. Ken’s dates that week were pleasurable and profitable. Both women said that they wanted him again. Ken slept when he could, and managed to work out twice. If there could be any free time, his studies demanded it. Then it was Saturday. The pool heat was on… Read more“Ken Ch. 06”
The Stranger Inside Me
**All characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional and a product of the author’s imagination. Feel free to leave feedback and let me know what you think. This story is my first** * The definition of an acid is any chemical compound that gives off hydrogen ions in… Read more“The Stranger Inside Me”