Hi there. Jelena here again. I wanna thank those of you that did, for wishing me luck at the beginning of chapter 3. Jodi and I had a heck of a lot of fun! If you haven’t read any previous chapters in our story, let me tell you that Jodi, a much older woman than I, after picking me up in a bar, the actual pick-up story was told in chapter 2, has just, in chapter 3, given me the best sex, the best cum of my life.
Our night continues . . .
Lying together in my comfy, cozy bed, Jodi pulls my thick, warm duvet over us. After our fantastic bell-ringer, I’m cuddling with Jodi in post-orgasmic bliss that is so beautiful I think I wanna stay snuggled here with her forever.
‘Shut-up with that kinda thinking, Jelena!’ I admonish myself. I don’t usually entertain mushy thoughts like ‘wanting to snuggle forever’. That much is true with any pussy in my bed, no matter how good she made me cum.
But Jodi and I? Well, ladies, this whole night has been a totally different experience for me and, to fit the theme of the night, cuddling here with Jodi now, is not something I’m usually into. Despite the fact that this is my bedroom and my bed, the whole atmosphere in the room seems different than it usually is after I complete the sex act with other girls. Sorry, can’t put my finger on it exactly. It’s just different.
Jodi and I kiss each other and stroke each other, we snuggle tighter, we’re both still obviously hot for one another. Leastways, I am for her and I’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to realize that Jodi is still raging hot for me. And, trust me ladies, I’m really experienced in such matters. It is not just wishful thinking.
We talk for a while about anything and everything and nothing. I tell her things I probably haven’t told another person, let alone just a transient sex-partner. (I don’t like this!) We kiss. And then kiss some more. The kissing I like!
In our whole night together since we met at the club, so far at least, we haven’t seemed to disagree about anything. Truth be told, that kinda worries me. As is this whole warm, peaceful feeling enveloping me right now. Usually, long before this, whatever chick I’ve picked up has probably pissed me off at least once, with something she’s done, or, just as likely, something she’s said. Some mushy, silly, wimpy, pussy-girl stuff. I don’t like mushy, silly, wimpy, pussy-girls!
When these sorta girls start with the schmoozy talk it just serves to annoy me. But when they do, it does serve a useful purpose. It keeps me honest and and then I have absolutely no problem in keeping everything clear in my mind. No problem following my usual pattern.
Which goes something like this: Jelena, there’s a girl. She’s pretty. She’s hot looking, in fact. Seduce her. Get her in the sack. Fuck her. Take your pleasure and your cums. Give her a cum or two. Easy-peasy.
But then, the most critical, important part. Hustle her along, right out the door, back to her own life. Right, Jelena? You don’t have any time to waste. You have new places to go, new chicks to see, more new pussy to get in your bed. More new fucks to be had.
But, dammit, ladies, Jodi doesn’t seem to be slotting into my usual scenario!
I can’t seem to get enough of her tits and as we talk and kiss and snuggle I keep playing with her treasures. Her boobs are all mine right now, all mine to enjoy. And, let me tell you, ladies, how I enjoy them! I give both of them kisses all over their creamy smoothness. I give both of them cozy squeezes. One at a time, beings as they are so big that I have to use both hands to give one a proper snuggle. I try to handle Jodi’s big girls as tenderly as I can, but when I have one cuddled in both my hands, I squeeze hard enough to make the nipple pop. I coo to them, assuring that beautiful pair how lovely they both are. I make it a point to make sure that their beautiful nipples are always standing out tall and proud for me. Not really a difficult task. Jodi’s nipples seem anxious to show off just how far they can poke out. Hell, if I still wore my cowboy hat, I could hang it up on either one of them. Jodi’s lovely, pink tit-toppers call to me, convincing me that they like all the attention I am bestowing upon them. I respond to their call by giving them sucks.
Jodi is amused by my obsession with her bosom. “You seem to have such a thing for my boobs, there, Jelena-girl,” she says at last. “If you weren’t such an expert at titty play, I might think you’d never even seen a set of tits before! But you do really know how to handle a woman’s front acreage, don’t you, foxy-Jelena? And I’ve got quite a spectacular pair, wouldn’t you agree?”
I pause, right of the middle of my 1,000th kiss of her nipples. I’m thinking, we’ve already had this conversation when Jodi was teasing hell out of me, before she had even undressed. I had been naked on the bed, playing with my pussy. Jodi had been beside the bed, playing around, sexily giving me a peeler show and teasing Escort bayan me that I was gonna blow a cum when she showed me her tits! I had teased her back then about having conceit about her boobies and I do it again now.
“Conceit, conceit, conceit. Lady, you’re one conceited bitch. You’ve got the biggest swelled head I’ve met in a while. Maybe that’s why your tits are so big, it’s all that conceit leaking down from your head! I don’t know why I put up with you and allow you to stay here in my bed. I grant you, you’re tits are O.K., Jodi. Got that? Just O.K. I’m playing with them because you seem to like it! Maybe, lady, it isn’t even the tits themselves that I like. Did you ever think of that? Maybe it’s just the person that they’re attached to.”
‘O.K. What the fuck was that, Jelena? You started out with some nice Jelena bravado but then you went off the rails. You better just shut the fuck up completely if you can’t talk sense. Do you recognize how moronically you finished off that last speech to Jodi? You almost told her you liked her. Her. The person. You just came this freakin’ close to admitting you have something for her, you know, as a person, over and above anything to do with sex and pussy-eating and titty-play and fucking. What is wrong with you, girl?’
Ladies, cut me some slack, please and understand my angst. This kinda thing just doesn’t happen. Not to me. I don’t let it happen. That kinda talk never issues from my mouth. I make sure it doesn’t. I’m usually very careful not to give any girl any wrong ideas.
Usually, after I’ve popped off, callous bitch that I am, – or so I’ve been told! – my interest in the girl drops off markedly and I’m ready for a little shut-eye. Which makes perfect sense, to me at least, because the girl is not in my bed because of who she is, but rather simply because I want to get laid. So after getting laid, well, there goes my need for having the girl around, correct? As I say, the logic in impeccable to me and has been for a long, long time.
But, having told you all that, let me also tell you, I am decidedly, deliberately, not selfish. Before closing my eyes, I always make sure that the other girl (or girls, plural!) in my bed gets her goodies also. But once that’s done, I’m usually up for a snooze. Sure, if the babe has the goods, which usually she does or she wouldn’t be there in the first place and she’s good with the goods and handing out the goodies, then she’s welcome to snooze with me and if she was solid enough on the first go-round, I’m usually always ready for a repeat performance in the morning. Or whenever we awake.
But after that? Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, honey!
Like I say. I can be a callous bitch, I reckon – or so I’ve been told. And told! Once I’ve had my jollies I’m usually ready for the girl, whoever she is, to hit the trail. Of course, if her performance was special enough, I’m always open for a return engagement at some future date. Note well: some ‘unspecified’, future date. Don’t start asking me what I’m doing next Tuesday night, baby.
Also, I’m usually careful to limit those return engagements and if turns out she’s good enough in the sack that there’s gonna be more than one, I spread them out over long periods of time. Don’t wanna give any girl, any semblance of any indication that her appearances in my bed are becoming something of a regular thing.
A case in point is Darlene, the big-titted, red-headed bartender from the club. You know about her if you read chapter 2. Hell, I kept her around for a whole week-end. Before my Jodi came along, she was definitely on the list for a repeat performance in my bed.
There you go again, Jelena. What’s this crap about, ‘before my Jodi came along’? She’s not ‘your’ Jodi! Sure, you had a great cum. Get over it! Why should one great sex session change anything, for Christ’s sake? Answer? It doesn’t. Now get control of yourself, girl. What does ‘before my Jodi came along’ even mean?’
Ladies, trust me, I don’t usually have to keep trying to talk sense to myself this way. All the things I seem to be forgetting tonight and having to remind myself about, are usually second nature to me. Not sure what’s up with that tonight, that I seem to be having problems keeping a few things straight, certain things in perspective.
I’ve got zero regrets and have never seen anything wrong with the way I conduct my sex-life. I don’t lie to girls to get them in bed. I never say silly things to them, such as, just as an extreme example, I love you. I never even talk to bed-mates with any degree of affection or sentimentality. Just in case that might lead some girl to believe that maybe I loved her or something, but was just too shy or scared to say so. Oh, I’ll praise her sexual performance to the hills, if she merits it, but I make sure it’s clear to her that I make a definite distinction between her, the sexual partner, and her, the person. In point of fact, I usually go clear out of my way to Escort put it right out on the table that her sexual performance is all I’m interested in. In other words, a hot fuck is all I’m looking for. Nothing else. I usually make that very clear, long before we ever hit the sheets. Usually way back in the bar where I probably found her. Most times, if I’ve already decided I want her, the girl hears this little speech by about the second drink. For sure after the first slow dance, if holding her hot body near me has got my pussy all a-flutter. I’m honest and I don’t make any promises.
But, come to think of it, I sorta skipped this particular step with Jodi, didn’t I? Because, on this topsy-turvy night, she actually picked me up more that it can be said I picked her up. But also, in my defense, I thought Jodi, after our initial conversation outside of the bar, recognized that kinda thing about me on her own. I just didn’t think I had to spell it out for an older lady such as her, as compared to some young chick.
Hell, our whole conversation on the sidewalk outside the bar was started out by her putting me down for being a certain type of woman, the kind that picks up girls they don’t care about just to fuck them. The kind of woman that Jodi, at least at first, let on was the kind of woman of which she did not approve. That’s what puzzled me right from the start when she proceeded with her seduction of little ole me.
Her assessment of me wasn’t 100 per cent accurate but it was correct enough in that respect that I had garnered, what seems to me to be a very reasonable belief that she knew what kinda woman I was. However, maybe I was wrong and she didn’t. If indeed I had mis-judged the situation it is all the more reason to be careful now with my wagging lips and tongue.
So, Jelena, as this night continues, watch your tongue, girl and while you’re at it, keep a wary eye on what you’re even thinking. O.K., girl?
Bottom line? My opinion? Any girl that agrees to join me in my bed has made her own decision and is there of her own free-will. If they have somehow deluded themselves that a romp in my bed will lead to something more, my conscience is definitely, crystal, clear-as-a-bell that I am absolutely not responsible for their erratic thought processes. Am I? Well? Am I?
With Jodi everything is different. Everything about me seems like it’s changing since our worlds collided a few hours back. Maybe it’s because of the age thing. I just do not understand it. The line is blurring for me between the Jodi who just put out a virtuoso fuck and Jodi, the lovely woman now cuddling me close to her, keeping me warm.
There I go again. Properly, I called our tryst a ‘fuck’ which it was and is. Then I promptly turn around and refer to Jodi as a ‘lovely woman’. Even though she definitely is that, I have no business thinking of her that way. I know it’s only in my brain and you might ask yourself, what is the harm in that? You’re maybe scratching your head thinking, ‘Why is this apparently scatter-brained girl obsessing even about her thoughts? Even if she’s worried about giving Jodi the wrong impression, surely, just what she’s thinking about, in the privacy of her own mind, that Jodi can’t be aware of, is of no consequence? Surely she doesn’t think Jodi can read her mind?’
What can I say, ladies? It just bugs me! Erratic thinking even in the privacy of my brain foreshadows sloppiness in other aspects of my life.
So I’m asking you to cut me some slack, ladies, if I have to give myself some more talking-tos. I’ll try to be coherent and not bore y’all too much. It’s just that the ecstasy I’m experiencing, right now, just from the warmth of lying here having Jodi snuggle me close to her, is just fantastic. Leads me to believe that it is gonna take everything I have to get through this session so that the same me, the one that entered into this assignation with Jodi, comes out the other end intact.
Fortunately, Jodi seems not to have noticed my slip, my near-compliment to her. As a person rather then a sex-toy. You know, just another sexual experience in my bed. Without a doubt, as a sexual experience she’s tops and I’ll compliment her about that ’til the cows come home. But anything beyond that? Not too likely. Leastways, that is my usual modus operandi.
‘Jelena, girl,’ I tell myself. ‘You may have dodged the bullet, this time, that your loose lips could have caused to be fired your way, but please start watching your tongue and its silly wagging. (Unless it’s wagging in her pussy!) If Jodi doesn’t comment on your remark about it not being her tits you are obsessed with, that maybe it is her, herself, that you find fascinating, just shut up about it. Maybe she’s giving you a second chance not to make a fool of yourself. Maybe she didn’t even hear you? You better hope.’
When a few seconds stretches into a minute, without any comments from Jodi, I begin to feel I’m safe. She didn’t hear what I unthinkingly blurted out. Bayan escort But, as I said earlier about something similar, ‘Or so I thought.’ Turns out, Jodi doesn’t miss much.
Perhaps you think I’m being sorta paranoid about such a half-assed, off-the-cuff remark. But, as I’ve said, I’m very careful about what I say to chicks. Some girls, especially after a good banging, their thinking becomes all fuzzy and, in my experience, it doesn’t take much unclear thinking to create a problem.
Sorta what seems to be happening with my own thinking tonight. I’m just trying to head off a problem. In this case a problem, if I don’t watch myself, could be caused by me.
Hopefully, I’m worrying for nothing but I can’t help but be concerned about certain strange, unfamiliar, wha’d’ya call ’em, ‘feelings’ that I’m having. Jodi, being older, likely has more sense, the kinda sense I’ve always had in the past, and I’m sure she has a wonderful life of her own to return to, but a girl can’t be too careful. It won’t do to get out of practice, maybe fall into bad habits. I could get careless again with the next chick in my bed, mouth off to her indiscriminately and end up with that problem I’m talking about that I don’t need and certainly don’t want.
Ladies, you’ve maybe had the same problem I’m talking about, yourself. You know, the girl that declares she’s in love with you and is insistent that she believes that you’re in love with her but that you just won’t admit it. All brought about because you thought maybe you’d be nice and express some tenderness towards her. You maybe even actually went so far as to tell her that you liked her. Her, the person, as a person. Combined, of course, with fucking her brains out! You’ve maybe experienced yourself, the late-night, crying phone calls. The won’t-leave-you-alone in the club, scaring off other pussy. The endless texts and tweets and e-mails. You know the drill.
Man, I hate that word. You know the one I mean. The L-word?
But, perhaps I shouldn’t be too hard on her, and trust me, I’ve had her in my bed. Little-Miss-I’m-in-love-with-you-Jelena. Because it sure seems I am doing a lot of erratic, convoluted thinking of my own tonight. Or, maybe, more accurately, you could say, I’m really not thinking at all! Hmmm.
My experiences in bed with men number exactly zero, but, may I just use that gender for a moment, just for comparison purposes?
What’s that old joke? God played a cruel trick on men. She gave men a penis and a brain but an insufficient blood supply for both to function.
Hell, it’s more than a joke. It’s a well-known fact. So I’ve observed and been told by friends and co-workers who have cast their lot with the opposite sex.
Some girls are just the same. Throw them a good fuck and they seem to lose their minds. Once they’ve been banged into the middle-of-next-week they think they are ‘in love.’ They can’t seem to discern the difference between sex, even great sex, and, you know, that other thing. In other words, they become like guys. Dumber than dumb.
And, oh, man, maybe it’s just me, but I think there are getting to be more and more of these type of ‘dumb’ girls — exactly what are young girl’s mothers telling them these days? Maybe it’s just me and my luck lately, but it seems to me it is getting harder and harder to find the special girls. The ones that will hop into bed, fuck the roof off the house, and then, return to normal and resume leading their own lives like before. (That is, not bothering Jelena!) Without thinking that some great sex and mind-blowing cums have somehow altered the tide of the universe.
Hmmmm. Did Albert Einstein or does Stephen Hawking have anything to say about great sex altering the laws of physics? The forces that govern the universe? I think not.
O.K. Sorry, ladies. Sorry for all the sharing of all the inner workings of Jelena’s possibly warped mind. The maudlin philosophy of the life and times of Jelena and her fuck-life. Once again, I’m gonna blame Jodi. I think my incoherent thinking and all my babbling to y’all is a symptom of the malady of having Jodi in my bed.
But, while I have been boring y’all with all this smart-ass (dumb-ass?) thinking, even while all along making beautiful music with Jodi’s fantastic tits, Jodi’s had her rest, I reckon. And all my playing with her boobs seems to have kept her motor idling pretty well.
She is all over my tits again now and before long Jodi’s lips on my nipples become even a little more active. This sexy bitch is taking charge again. I can feel it. Her hands squeeze a little harder, her tongue explores each aureola a little more urgently and knocks each of my nipples around a little harder. This is before she takes turns drawing as much of each of my excited titty-peaks into her mouth as she can, for wonderful sucks. Not just my nipples. A whole bunch of the whole top of each tit. With my sensitive nipples, she has me on the verge of another cum. Good for you, Jodi-girl. Go for it!
My head begins to roll back and forth on my downy pillow as Jodi slowly, slowly, licks and trails her lips down south from my tits. She shoves each of my boobies up high and covers the undersides with kisses too, as thoroughly as she has done to the rest.