They knew they did not have much time. Heather would only be in class for another forty-five minutes and then she would come back to the room. Tonya didn’t care. To her it was all Candy’s fault anyway. If she hadn’t worn that Catholic School girl outfit to poly sci then she wouldn’t have been so fucking horny to start with.
Well, to be honest, Candy always looked good. She was five six but with long legs. Her hair was dyed an intense Manic Panic red this week and cut in a long bob. Besides Candy’s large breast, what turned her on the most was the tattoos that ran down her back. Interlocking dragons ran from the base of her neck to the small of her back. This gave Candy a true hard edge in Tonya’s mind.
Not that she felt left out in the looks department either. She herself was five-seven and in really great shape. Her breast were smaller but much more sensitive to the touch. She hoped that she would pick-up more of Candy’s natural ‘freakness’ in a year or two. After all she was a frosh and Candy was a third year student. To try Tonya had shaved her head down to stubble and pierced her nipples. She walked around campus in knee high lace up boots all the time. To add to that today she had on a black tank-top and a vinyl mini-skirt.
Tonya quickly through in a Siouxsie tape she had just bought for a quarter while Candy jumped onto her bed. Tonya double checked the lock on the door, hoping Heather would be late.
By the time she turned around Candy had pulled her panties to her knees and was slowly circling her own clit with her fingers.
Not to be Casibom left behind Tonya pulled her skirt off, glad she skipped underwear today, and leaped onto the bed.
Their tongues were quickly buried in each others mouths. Tonya let Candy work on herself while she ripped at the buttons of her white blouse. Once open she undid the latches between the over filed black lace cups.
Tonya wrapped her lips around Candy’s large left nipple. The pearl was hard and she sucked on it aggressively, the way she liked it.
Both women worked their fingers into each other’s pussies. In perfect rhythm to the in and out motion Candy was also rubbing her clit with her thumb.
Tonya was in pure bless. Candy was moaning softly and telling her of all the wild things they would do over the weekend when her room mate was gone.
That must have been why they didn’t hear the door open.
“You fucking dykes!” Heather yelled as she walked in.
Both of them shot up to look at Tonya’s room mate standing right there.
It would have been bad enough if it was just Heather but, no it wasn’t. There was also Jill and Meg, Heather’s bitchy friends.
The three of them were rich girls and all Barbie doll clones. Long blonde hair, clear skin, blue eyes and big breast.
Their English Lit class got out way early and they were going to grab Heathers American Express and go shopping.
Tonya was red with embarrassment and about to cry. Candy sat there as cool as one can be with their tits hanging out and their pussy in clear view.
“Heather…I…We Casibom Giriş thought that…” Tonya stuttered.
“That you what? Come into my room and fuck like lezboes?” Heather sternly yelled.
The other two giggled.
Tonya began to reach for her clothes when Heather stepped on them.
“Oh no you don’t! I think you two should finish what you started!” she barked, “And I think we will stay and watch. Seeing you didn’t seem to care if I came in any way!”
“She probably thought you would join in.” Jill giggled.
Tonya felt like she was going to die. She looked to Candy who gave her a soft smile.
“Okay. Both of you, strip!” Heather commanded.
Silently they removed the rest of their clothing and sat looking to Heather for farther orders. For some odd reason this was turning Tonya on.
“69. Don’t stop until both of you cum for each of us that have to watch you perverts! Three times sluts!” Heather ordered.
Candy laid on her back and slowly and unsure Tonya straddled her face. Acting like they weren’t being watched by the three bitches, Candy grabbed Tonya’s ass and pulled it to her face. Her lips spreading her open and her tongue instantly fucking her.
Tonya looked to the three other women, who were leaning against the desk, then at Candy’s spread legs and back at the others.
“Eat her cunt, bitch!” Heather hissed.
Tonya yielded and lowered her face into Candy’s crotch.
Soon the licking she was giving and receiving took her away. She was re-charged in her lust and was moaning Casibom Güncel Giriş into Candy’s full lips. The only reminder of the voyeurs was their cat-calls.
“Eat it you dykes”
“Cum all over each other.”
“Her pussy taste good?”
It seemed to take a little longer but soon they both came. Tonya liked to stop after the first and rest for a few moments but, she doubted they would let her.
Candy started to finger fuck her while she licked on her throbbing clit. This seemed like a good idea to her to. Perhaps they both would get off sooner and end this.
Candy dropped her knees down flat to the sex soaked mattress. This gave her a clear view of the room. She was shocked at what she saw.
Heather had dropped her designer jeans and was sitting on the desk using a vibrator on herself. Jill had also lifted her skirt and was rubbing her clit like a beast. Meg must have gone through her drawers and found her double headed dido. She had one end in her pussy and the other in her asshole. All the while calling them ‘dirty dykes’ and ‘sluts’.
Tonya came right on the spot. Being watched was not so bad.
She dived into Candy with gusto. She tongued out the hot juices into her waiting mouth like her life depended on it. To go the extra mile she slipped her middle finger into Candy’s ass. It did the trick.
After that the hardest part was trying to eat Candy out and watch the other three at the same time.
All to soon Candy and Tonya exploded a third time.
“All right.” Heather panted pulling her jeans back up. “I think you have learned you lessons.”
“Not yet.” Said Meg.
She handed her dildo to Candy and the vibrator to Tonya.
“Lick them” clean she ordered.
As they did it the other three women left.
Yes, being watched can be fun.