An Older Model

Double Penetration

Dijon sat comfortably in one of the two wing backed chairs in front of the desk. She had one knee crossed over the other, her short skirt showing several miles of her famous long legs. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair and she kept tensing and pulling with her arms. She was nervous for some reason and it showed.

Her five person entourage was waiting in the outer office. That was part of the problem. She was not used to being alone with a stranger and it was said, Wild Bill Olsen was as strange as they came. He had not risen to greet her. He had just indicated the chair and went back to scanning the photo proofs on his desk with a magnifying lens. He made notes in the margin as he went.

The nervousness was beginning to edge toward anger as time stretched on. She was not used to being kept waiting. She’d had star statues for a very long time. She may have retired but she was still a famous and influential member of the clothing and entertainment community.

Then Dijon noticed something strange that shot her idle mind straight to the erotic. Bare female toes, at least they had pink polish on them, were sticking out from under the center panel of the photographers desk. Her mind supplied a young blonde female assistant on her knees under the desk giving the middle aged man seated there a blowjob.

Dijon smiled as she remembered a certain press interview she had give many years earlier as her boyfriend of the time had ate her pussy under a desk very similar to this one. How she had answered any of the questions coherently was beyond her now. She had ended the interview abruptly and had barely held off a monster of an orgasm until the last person had left the room. She and the boyfriend had spent the rest of the afternoon fucking wildly on top of the desk.

The tingling itch of her hard nipples rubbing subtly on the silk of her blouse brought Dijon’s mind back to the here and now. The tensing of her arms made her shoulders move slightly and the silk material responded. Her eyes moved slowly from the toes under the desk to the front of her blouse. Twin peaks stood up clearly in the soft cloth. She wanted to rub her breasts but kept her hands in place.

Wild Bill Olsen sat the viewing loop aside and straightened in his chair. “Sorry to keep you waiting but I had to go over these while the subject was still fresh in my mind.” He picked up the phone, pressed a button, and said, “Nancy, would you come get these proofs and send them to the client. I’ve marked my choices in red.”

A moment later, the door opened, and a tall willowy blonde came in to get the proofs. Her long strides made the short tight skirt she wore ride up her thighs. The tight skirt also showed off her ass to perfection as she bent slightly to take the proofs. Dijon wanted to squirm in her chair but held herself in check.

As Nancy turned to leave, she smiled and nodded to Dijon.

Dijon smiled and nodded back. Then she turned to watch the woman walk to the door. Nancy was either a model or an ex model, her walk was so sexy and sensuous.

“She is stunning, isn’t she?” Wild Bill asked with a grin after Nancy shut the door.

“Yes, she is,” Dijon said as she turned back to the man behind the desk. “Is the young lady under your desk equally as stunning?” Dijon noticed that the toes curled tightly against the lower edge of the panel as she asked the question.

Without missing a beat, Wild bill replied, “In more ways than might meet the eye.”

“Is she enjoying the blowjob as much as you are or is it the fact that she has been caught?”

“Both actually. She normally comes three of four times before I do, she loves sucking a dick. As for being caught, I think this is the first time she’s ever been caught.” Bill said with a grin as he looked down toward his lap. There was a deep moan from under the desk. “Yeah, it’s her first time getting caught and she’s coming her brains out.”

Looking up, Bill asked, “How did you know? I thought I’d kept my face fairly straight and my voice level.”

“Toes,” Dijon said with a grin. “The front of your desk has toes with pink nails.” There was a bump under the desk and the toes disappeared. Dijon laughed and added, “I was enjoying those toes. They were very expressive.”

“This isn’t something that has happened before except with Nancy and some of the staff going in and out. You are three hours early after all,” Bill said. “We were having some lunchtime fun, if you get my drift, and we didn’t have time to…. I hope we haven’t offended you.”

Dijon smiled as she reached up with both hands and caressed her full breasts. “Quite to the contrary, it reminded me of a time I did the same thing during a press interview. We didn’t plan it either. It was one of those spur of the moment things. Quite satisfying but very kinky at the same time.”

Wild Bill shifted in his chair and blew out a long breath. “Yeah, kinky is a very good word.”

“She’s Betturkey still at it. I take it.”

Bill nodded and sighed. “She doesn’t give up my old bone until she’s finished with it. That’s how this got started.”

There was a bumping sound under the desk followed by a soft moan. The toes with the pink nails appeared under the edge of the desk again. “How many is that for her now?” Dijon asked softly.

“Uh, one before you got here and three, maybe four small ones since you’ve been here,” Wild Bill said with a far away look in his eyes.

Dijon pressed her thighs together tightly as she returned her hands to arms of the chair. Playing with her breasts in front of this man had shot jolts of pleasure straight to her pussy. “It’s a lucky young lady that gets to enjoy her work.”

“She is definitely enjoying her work right now. She’s doing her damnedest to get me off in front of you.” Bill paused and looked down. Smiling at the person under the desk he said, “You gave yourself away with those long beautiful toes.”

Dijon grinned as the toes in question wiggled and then grabbed the edge of the panel. As the person under the desk groaned softly, Dijon uncrossed her legs and then re-crossed them the other way. Her skirt rode up but she left it with three inches of thigh showing above her stockings.

“Do you eat pussy?” Dijon asked in a breathy whisper.

Wild Bill nodded as his eyes dropped blatantly and stared openly at the models exposed legs.

“Does your young friend under the desk eat pussy?”

Bill glanced down at his lap and replied, “Not since college, that I know of that is.” There was a deep moan under the desk.

Dijon uncrossed her legs and moved her foot over as far as the arms of the chair would allow her leg to go. She felt the skirt slide up more and coolness touched her overly warm pussy. She never wore panties or a bra unless she absolutely had to and this was one time she glad she did not.

Wild Bill looked up and his eyes locked onto Dijon’s exposed pussy. He groaned and licked his lips at the sight of her smoothly shaved outer lips, which were slightly parted, the pink inner folds exposed. Bill licked his lips again and whispered, “I think you two are ganging up on me.”

Dijon grinned and wiggled lower in the chair, her legs going wider. “What makes you think that?” She asked softly as she moved her left hand over to rake her long red nails over her smooth plump mound. She raised her right hand and started to slowly unbutton her blouse.

“First off, there is this warm wonderful mouth doing all sorts of nasty things to me under this desk and then there is one of, if not the most famous model in the world, flashing me across it. So yeah, I think I’m being ganged up on. Not that I’m complaining, I might add.”

Dijon grinned as she slipped her right hand under the open blouse and caressed her bare breast. Pinching and rolling her nipple, she took a hissing breath and then moaned as the middle finger of her left hand gently rolled the bundle of nerves above her clit back and forth.

“I wonder if she can get you off before I get myself off.”

Wild Bill groaned softly as the woman under the desk swallowed him whole and ran her tongue in fluttery flicks around the base of his shaft. As the woman sucked hard and lifted her head, Bill whispered, “I think she just took you up on your challenge.” He groaned again as she started to bob her head up and down quickly.

“Something tells me she has an unfair advantage and a head start but….” Dijon paused as she lifted her legs, spread them wide, and draped one over each arm of the chair. The finger of her left hand never missed a beat on her clit.

Her right hand descended to her lap and then moved up and around her right thigh. “I wouldn’t want to block your view,” Dijon whispered as two fingers traced her slit from just below her clit to her anus, pausing at her wet opening to tease it with a fingernail before move down to do the same to her anus.

Breathily Dijon whispered, “I’ll have to use all my tricks to catch up.” Her fingers moved up and both slipped deep into her pussy. With a low deep groan she whispered, “Oh, yes, that feels so good.”

Wild Bill stared at the famous model with his mouth open as she fingered her pussy and rolled her clit around right before his eyes. He closed his mouth and licked his lips. “Where is my camera when I really, really need it.”

Dijon groaned and shivered. She had been so caught up in the moment; she had forgotten he was a photographer. The thought of him photographing her in this position, with two fingers stuffed in her pussy pushed her higher and faster than she ever thought possible.

Wild Bill groaned deeply and shifted in his chair. Looking down he whispered, “Two fingers fucking her pussy is a tribute to you my dear.” There was a very loud moan under the desk and then Bill gave out with a deep Betturkey Giriş moaning groan of his own.

Bill groaning the way he did was like a lightening bolt to Dijon. She knew he was coming in the woman’s mouth under the desk. Suddenly, she jammed her fingers deep into her pussy as she fanned her clit with three fingers. She was coming long and hard.


Dijon had a fingertip on each side of her clit. As they rocked back and forth slowly, they moved the hood over her clit slightly. The tingling in her clit from this made her want to shiver and move her hips. She kept still and enjoyed the way it drew out the afterglow of her orgasm.

The two fingers in her pussy had moved outward until the fingertips rubbed firmly on her g-spot. Between the tingle in her clit and the itchy feel from her g-spot, she was floating in a world of her own. A soft gasp followed by a shivery exhale made her open her eyes.

A head with a mop of short dark hair and wide hazel eyes was peeking at her just above the desk. “So there you are,” Dijon whispered. “I expected a blonde.”

“Nancy is the only blonde I allow around here,” the female voice whispered.

Wild Bill laughed and rolled his chair back farther.

Dijon continued to tease herself as she said, “Please come out so I can see you.”

“I’m naked,” the woman said as she shifted behind the desk, her whole head now visible to the older woman in the chair.

“I’m not exactly dressed myself so….” Dijon started to say and then moaned softly as the woman stood up. She was tall and slender but not skinny like the new line of models. Her breasts were full like Dijon’s but had upturned puffy nipples, which made them look smaller in a cute sexy way.

“You are lovely, are you a model?” Dijon asked as both sets of fingers moved a little faster.

“Only for this old fart here,” the woman replied, her eyes on the moving fingers.

“Then he is very selfish. The industry would eat you up.”

The woman grinned and then laughed as she said, “That’s what he is afraid of.”

Wild Bill put his arm around the woman’s hip, his fingers rested lightly on the closely trimmed hair on her mound as he said, “This was my first model and I decided to keep her for myself. It’s been a good decision so far.”

“Like I said, you are very selfish. This young woman could make a fortune.”

“I already have a fortune,” the woman stated, her eyes on the fingers working in Dijon’s lap.

When the woman licked her lips, Dijon groaned deeply, her hips jerking in the chair. She was so close to coming again that it actually hurt. A model with an exhibitionist streak was good but this was over the top. Way over the top even for her, Dijon realized.

Wild Bill slipped his hand downward, his fingertips moved slowly over the top of the woman’s slit, rolling her clit in a circle. The woman shivered and flexed her hips back and forth.

The woman’s eyes never left Dijon’s fingers and sex as she moaned softly and flexed her hips faster. “I’m going to come again if you keep that up,” she whispered to Bill.

“And the problem is?” Bill asked with a chuckle. “I think our guest is almost there again also.”

“Did you…” the woman paused as a shiver ran up and down her body, “watch her come the first time?”

“I’m sorry to say, no. I was much to busy coming myself as you well know.”

The woman smiled and licked her lips. “Tell me about it. I thought you were a water fountain except for the creaminess and the taste.”

Dijon moaned deeply and flexed her hips as a very intense orgasm washed through her body. A long drawn out moan from the woman behind the desk announced her orgasm. This just drove Dijon even higher in hers.


Opening her eyes, Dijon became aware of the woman sitting on the older mans knee, her head on his shoulder. Wild Bill had one arm around the woman’s waist, his hand cupping her breast, massaging it gently. His other hand was out of sight below the desk. From the way his arm moved, Dijon could not figure out if he was fingering the woman or playing with himself.

Dijon blew out a long breath and then sighed contently.

Wild Bill looked over at her and smiled. “There is nothing like satisfied potential customers.”

Dijon laughed and then asked, “If potential customers are this satisfied, I’d hate to think what it feels like to be a long time customer.”

“There are a couple of ways to find out. One, you can become a client and wait a while or you can ask my wife.”

“Your wife?”

The woman on Bill’s lap lifted her head and smiled. “Around Bill I’m always satisfied. I’m Lara Olsen, by the way,” she whispered and then she groaned deeply, her upper body jerking noticeably.

Dijon chuckled, slipped the two fingers as deep into her pussy as they would go and whispered breathily, “So I see.”

Wild Bill watched the older model finger Betturkey Güncel Giriş her sopping wet pussy for a moment and then asked, “What can I do for you? Photography wise that is.”

Dijon actually giggled and then whispered, “You had to add that last didn’t you.”

“You’re not a customer yet and we do have to save something’s for negotiations later,” Wild Bill said with a big grin.

With a deep groan, Dijon pulled the fingers out of her pussy and quickly jammed them into her wide expressive mouth. She sucked on them greedily as the fingers on each side of her clit moved up and down quickly.

Lara Olsen shivered on her husbands lap and asked in a whisper, “Is that a dick she’s sucking or is it the taste of her own pussy that’s getting her off?”

“Yes,” Wild Bill answered with a chuckle.

Lara unwrapped her arm from her husband’s neck and lowered her hand to his hard dick standing up next to her thigh. Standing up, she pulled on her husband’s dick. “Then if I eat her pussy while you fuck me from behind, we’ll be cementing customer relations, so to speak.”

Bill laughed as he stood up. “Either that or you’re a really horny woman that wants to eat some pussy while she gets fucked.”

“Well, there is that too, but you already knew that when you married me.”

Bill chuckled and followed his wife. Lara used one hand to turn the swivel chair Dijon sat in and went to her knees.

Dijon looked at Lara and then up at her husband. “Is this normal customer relations?” She asked in a shaky voice after she pulled her fingers out of her mouth.

“Not really,” Lara whispered as she leaned forward and licked lightly at Dijon’s exposed clit that the two fingers down there were presenting so delectably.

“I knew my wife was horny as hell all the time and loved to fuck and suck before we married. I didn’t find out about the pussy eating part until I hired Nancy and my wife got one look at her. You are the first customer….”

Lara lifted her head from lapping Dijon’s clit and looked up at her husband. She interrupted him, saying, “”If you don’t get down here and fuck me, I’ll call Nancy and have her bring her strap-on.”

Wild Bill laughed and went to his knees behind his wife. “Maybe I should call Nancy and let her sit on Dijon’s face or let her fuck you while Dijon sucks on me.”

Dijon and Lara both shivered hard and together they whispered, “So many possibilities.” Then they both laughed.

Wild Bill moved forward, rubbed the head of his dick around his wife’s opening, and then jammed his hips forward hard. His dick rammed home in the tightness of his wife’s pussy and her face plowed into Dijon’s pussy. His wife made a muffled groaning sound as Dijon took a deep, fast, hard breath.

Dijon’s right hand found the back of Lara’s head as she asked, “Is this the negotiations you were talking about earlier?”

Wild Bill laughed as his hips took up a steady motion, his dick making full length strokes in his wife’s hot wet pussy. “I think this is more along the lines of wining and dinning the client.”

Lara groaned deeply as she licked wildly at Dijon’s sex.

Dijon shivered and arched her hips upward as she pulled at Lara’s head. “Dinning on the client is more like it,” she said loudly as her hips jerked and flexed hard against Lara’s face.

Wild Bill slowed the speed of his hips as he felt his wife’s pussy clamp down on his dick as she came. From the way Dijon was tensed up, her body arched, he was sure she was coming also. He was far from coming but that didn’t matter at the moment.


With a deep sigh, Lara turned her head and laid it on Dijon’s silky thigh. “Now that’s what you call coming and going at the same time. Definitely one of my favorite ways to come.”

Dijon chuckled and said, “I love coming any and all ways.”

Wild Bill leaned over and kissed his wife on the shoulder. “Making a woman come, especially my wife is my favorite thing.”

The intercom on Bill’s desk chimed. With a groan, he leaned across and snagged the receiver. His dick popped out of Lara’s pussy and slapped wetly against his lower belly.

“Nancy, this had better be important,” he said into the phone.

He listened a moment and then grinned. “Tell them that she will be out when she is damned ready to come out.”

“My entourage, correct?” Dijon asked. When Bill nodded, she added, “Tell them to all go on home, I’m going to be here a while.” Her eyes were on Bill’s stiff dick. “I still have a pussy flavored blowjob to give under a desk.”

Lara giggled at Bill’s wide eyed expression. Nancy chucking in Bill’s ear snapped him out of his daze. “I assume you heard that.” He asked Nancy and then added, “Leave out that last part and come join us when they have left. You might as well lock up also, I have a feeling this might be a long night for all of us.”

“Negotiations can be such hard work,” Lara said with a grin.

Dijon licked her lips, her eyes still on Wild Bill’s dick. “Thirsty work also,” she whispered and then giggled. “I’m such a slut at times.”

“Aren’t we all,” Lara said as she moved up to kiss the most famous person she had ever met.

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