She was surrounded by a soft pink towel. Sitting on the edge of the tub, she swirled the bubbles that were starting to form below. She stood and went to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a clip to pull her hair up. As she pulled her hair into a twist, her… Read more“Anticipation at the Theater”
Agreement Review
When I arrived at the office on Monday, I found a message on the voicemail from the Carter’s attorney. I had just spent two days last week going back and forth with them over the terms of their agreement of sale for the purchase of one of my client’s luxury… Read more“Agreement Review”
An Urban Amazon
It wasn’t that Miriam had actually “decided” to remove her panties in the stifling heat—it was more of a natural and consequential thing to do, like a serpent shedding its outer layers, exposing the vibrant ones beneath. Her butter-brown skin looked exceedingly Amazonian. Her thighs showed the tone of a… Read more“An Urban Amazon”
Amy Life — life as he knew it had never been the same since his accident a few years previously. Now life was empty; without work, without a steady income. He’d never anticipated that life would turn out like this. He spent his days trawling Tinder and pof, looking for… Read more“Amy”
An Embarrassing Situation
Cathy and Jen were bored. They’d been at the mall but really only to window shop, being too broke to spend money. You can’t spend what you don’t have. Wandering away from the mall they happened to pass near Graeme’s place, Graeme being Cathy’s current boyfriend. As chance would have… Read more“An Embarrassing Situation”
“Hen-reeee!” My wife’s screech penetrated the walls and floors separating us. “Come on. Hurry it up, willya. We’re going to be late.” Late. We were going to a lawn party next door, a party that would certainly run through the afternoon and deep into the night. Sherry’s always ready first…. Read more“Amanda”
A Twisted Web We Weave Ch. 02
A/N: Please read “A Twisted Web We Weave Ch. 1” to get back ground. This is my second submission. Constructive criticism is welcome. * I was away on a business trip which required me to stay in a hotel room for several nights. It was my last night to be… Read more“A Twisted Web We Weave Ch. 02”
A Room with a View
He’s there again. I can see him in the flat opposite, walking around in just his boxer shorts. He’s really ripped; obviously works out regularly. But my eyes keep going to the bulge in his shorts. There’s something big in there; and I bet it gets bigger. I’ve been thinking… Read more“A Room with a View”
Across the Courtyard
The early October air had a certain chill to it that made her restless and excitable. It caressed her milky white skin through the thin black silk of her night robe as Karmen stood at her balcony door. Her petal pink nipples rose in response. The crisp autumn air smelled… Read more“Across the Courtyard”
A Watchful Eye
Sara planted a passionate kiss on my lips which I returned with a deeper and longer kiss, she moaned as I slowly steps back to the bedroom. My arms curled around her slender goddess like body, our tongues played and teased one another, both of us savoring the sweetness of… Read more“A Watchful Eye”